
Onze missie en ons engagement zijn ethisch, duurzaam en zo lokaal mogelijk.

Maloma Sustainability Policy - Our promise to a healthier food system

The team at Maloma is committed of being a leader in sustainability within the restaurant and hospitality industry. Our policy aims to create a more sustainable and regenerative food system by minimizing our environmental impact and supporting our local community.


We prioritise sourcing from local farmers and producers who use biodynamic and regenerative practices, organic and non-GMO ingredients.

We prioritize seafood that is sustainably harvested and in-season and we never buy our seafood products from fish farms. We source our meat and poultry from producers that focus on animal welfare and abstain from using antibiotics or hormones in animal feed. Our vegetables and fruits are sourced from local farmers working exclusively organic or biodynamic way and dependent on the seasons. For certain products that we cannot source locally, such as coffee, cacao or sugar, we do our utmost to source from producers that have the same standards as the ones we work with in Belgium, to focus on ethical, fair trade and high quality of their products. We want to know where our ingredients come from and how they were produced and we work only with suppliers who share our view.

Menu Design:

Since we prioritize sourcing products from local farmers and food artisans, our menu is based on the seasons and changes regularly depending on which products our suppliers have available. We also create our menu in order to reduce food waste and use all parts of an ingredient, such as incorporating vegetable scraps into new dishes, or using leftover bones to make broth.

Energy and Water Conservation:

From the beginning of Màloma we chose not to work with natural gas in the kitchen, hoping one day the energy in Brussels will come from wind turbine or solar panels, which green energy contracts in Brussels aren't yet. We strive to reduce our energy and water consumption through the use of energy-efficient lighting, equipment and appliances. We offer our customers the option to purchase bottled water from Bru, a company that is actively investing in an sustainable transition model . We are also planning on serving filtered water, to reduce the energy consuming source that bottled water is.

Waste Management:

We aim to minimize waste by reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting. We compost food waste with an external partner. We use reusable containers, and recycle glass, plastic, and paper. We avoid using single use packaging, and work with suppliers that can deliver products with minimal packaging. We purchase ingredients and products in bulk instead of smaller portion sizes(e.g. tea, coffee, sugar).

Social Equity:

We believe that a sustainable food system must promote social equity. We prioritize fair labor practices, support diversity and inclusion, and engage with our local community to build lasting relationships. We strive to work together as a team to provide exceptional service and create a positive atmosphere for our guests and we treat our employees and colleagues with respect and value their contributions.

Education and Awareness:

We want to educate our staff and customers about sustainable food and we provide information on sustainable practices to our suppliers and partners to promote sustainable practices throughout our value chain.

Continuous Improvement:

We are committed to continuously improving our sustainability practices and measuring our progress through regular assessments and monitoring. We seek feedback from our customers, suppliers, and partners and strive to innovate and lead by example in our industry